At Agape Care Ministries, we are passionate in our belief that educated, employed, and engaged youths possess the ability to solve the world’s toughest problems. Every young person therefore deserves the opportunity to realize and develop his or her full potential in God.

Through dynamic and participatory workshops, ACM seeks to empower young people to make smart and healthy godly decisions for their futures.

We offer transformational services for personal development in the shape of spiritual support, carrier guidance, skills development, financial aid, and employment opportunities to help them find hope in life and become godly transformational leaders in their respective communities.

Girl child support

 This program focuses on helping vulnerable girls reach their maximum potential as far as education is concerned without being affected by their natural health systems.

Girls in our society are regarded as bride materials, deprived of education, and forced into early marriages. A few who tries to pursue their dreams are more likely to drop out of school due to gender discrimination, child abuse and lack of support from the community.

Agape Care Ministries thus intervened by providing education support, sanitary products, and spiritual mentorship to these precious girls so that they can thrive like their brothers and have a better future.

We’re also training teachers to run menstrual hygiene classes which has helped to reduce the stigma and made girls feel more comfortable at school while working hard to secure their future.

This will lead to a better academic performance, improved self-esteem, involvement in church activities and an end to child marriages.

Youths mentorship

The Bible is full of examples where God used young individuals to fulfill his work. Youths can do great things, but sometimes they are not given the opportunity to grow and develop.

They need mature Christians in their lives investing into them on a regular basis. It’s important to identify the potential in young people and help them emerge as leaders.

Our mentorship program focuses on addressing unhealthy behaviors and provides youths with opportunities to learn about positive lifestyles and make informed and healthier life choices based on biblical principles.



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